How I use A/C for 30 minutes a day only – Part 1

I have always relied on A/C all my life. Since I was a kid I loved to leave it on till the room became freezing cold and I shivered under my blankets.

After all, I live in a really hot country, in an extremely humid city. I was homeschooled so I went outside occasionally, maybe twice or thrice a week maximum. The A/C used to be on in my room for more than 12 hours a day, and all night too.

Then we moved houses. I grew up. I read more about global warming. I knew there was a way I could help my planet, and I gradually started decreasing my use of the A/C. First I left it on for a few (4+) hours a day plus all night. Then I decreased it to 2 hours a day plus all night.

During that time, my sleep schedule was terrible (it still is). I used to sleep after 2:00 am. So I asked my mother to off the A/C when she woke up. A few months later, I was able to sleep without the freezing cold of the A/C. That was when I changed my A/C using habits once again. I left the A/C on for 30 – 60 minutes before I went to bed, and then I turned it off. This was a few months ago (April/May 2011).

Everybody kept saying to me how could you manage it without A/C during the summer, and even my mother who detests using the A/C except for a couple of hours during the day and all night, kept coming into my room and turning the A/C on during the day, she kept saying that I’ll become ill if I subjected my body to such hot temperatures (think 45C or more)!

But there were a few things that I had to change to be able to do this. I’ll be sharing them along with a few things that eliminating A/C did to me, in the next post, so stay tuned.

How do you use A/C? And why? Feel free to share your A/C using habits in the comments below.